Grab a Low Carbon Workspaces grant!

The Low Carbon Workspaces project has been another rip-roaring success for businesses in Buckinghamshire, helping many to install energy efficient technologies at their workplace, reduce their energy usage and cut their energy bills.

Grants have been flying out of the door, so don't hesitate before applying for a grant of up to £2,500! The Low Carbon Workspaces team can help businesses through the application process.

What can be funded by Low Carbon Workspaces?

Funding is available for a whole host of energy efficiency projects, including new boilers, LEDs, electric vehicles, insulation, water efficiency measures, waste reduction measures, building and fleet management systems, battery storage systems, and plenty more!

Read some great energy saving success stories!

There are some great case studies of businesses that have benefited from grant funding. Have a read and then get in touch with the Low Carbon Workspaces team to discuss potential projects with the team.

Call 01494 927131 or email

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