High Street Angels

We help commercial property owners find good tenants. Our mission is to help transform the high street, come join The #HighStreetEvolution

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Love High Street Angels?

A bit about us

Having seen the transformation happening in the high street we set about establishing our business to help commercial property owners.

Our mission is...

"To transform vacant and ugly commercial buildings into beautiful places where local communities want to live, work and play".

We believe the high street is going through a transition and we want to be front and centre of the change.

If you are  looking for consistent income from  "good" tenants...

We can help.

If  your current tenant is packing up shop or resigning their lease early...

We can help.

If you're suffering the  pain of

  • business rates;
  • hefty insurance premiums or 
  • just tired of having to think about renovating or refurbishing your commercial property to bring it up to spec...

> We can help.

If you are undecided about what to do next?

> We can help.  Let's Chat

Our business will help you deal with voids and finding tenants that will thrive on the high street.

> If you want to sell your commercial property, we can help...

Come and  connect on Social media:

  • Instagram: @HighStreetAngel
  • Twitter: @HighStreetAngel

Or book a time in Hanna's diary or just call her directly.

Our business is in business to help your business.  Our registered office is London, yet we are local to Bucks and Berkshire.  Get in touch to see how we can help.

  • High Street Angels
  • 1st Formations Ltd 71-75 Shelton Street LONDON Greater London WC2H 9JQ


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