We're here to help your business

Our aim is to make Buckinghamshire the best place in Britain to start, run and grow a business

Our community

Our community is made up of over 14,000 small, medium and large businesses.

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Win new business and find local suppliers in our Buckinghamshire marketplace of 15,000+ businesses.

  • Search and apply for contracts related to your business
  • Whether the job is big or small, find a local supplier by creating a contract
  • We’ve linked up with the Government’s Contract Finder to bring you public sector opportunities from across the South East
  • Set up an alert for opportunities in your sector
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Join over 15,000 other members listed on our community directory.

  • Get your business listed
  • Enhance your profile with your logo, cover photo and video
  • Add a link back to your website
  • Post testimonials from customers
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Drop in and hot desk or book meeting rooms at our business hubs across the county.

  • Professional hot desking facilities
  • Fully equipped meeting rooms to book
  • Informal meeting areas
  • Convenient locations
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Find a business event in Buckinghamshire to develop new skills or grow your network.

  • Make new connections at our Simply Networking events
  • Develop new skills at ‘Focus on’ workshops
  • High level networking at our Business Leaders’ Dinners
  • Find an event organised by a member, from meet-ups to conferences
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Find a deal and make an exclusive offer to Buckinghamshire Business First members.

Any questions?

We're ready to answer any questions you have about becoming a member of Buckinghamshire Business First. 

Call us on 01494 927130

or send us an email [email protected]

Our partnerships

We’re independent, but here are some people we love working in partnership with: