- By Buckinghamshire Business First

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Have you ever thought about how you could use your business skills to support your local school or college? Perhaps you have reached the point in your career where you feel you have some time to dedicate to good causes.
Enterprise Advisers are business volunteers who work in senior roles. They volunteer their time to help school and college careers leaders to increase their engagement with businesses and to access local careers resources. They work with headteachers and careers leaders to make sure these encounters between students and employers are the basis of a structured careers plan.
This means that young people from all backgrounds can access the opportunities that Buckinghamshire has to offer. we have a dynamic group of over 80 Enterprise Advisers from different industry sectors and professional backgrounds e.g. Cisco, McAfee, IBM, Align, EKFB, BLEP, Verizon, John Lewis, Metrobank, Reaction Engines, HEE to name but a few.
The group meets every two months to network, share good practice and have training. These meetings have been virtual since March 2020. The Enterprise Advisers meet with their school every half term (currently virtually) as a minimum to support their Careers Leaders with their Enterprise Coordinators and with Headteachers at least once a year.
“I became an Enterprise Adviser as I am passionate about young people and aiding/advising them on how to enter the world of work. There are so many options available to young people and this enables me to support and guide the students as well as giving back to the community. Additionally, it enables me to undertake strategic planning and further develop my own skills in communication and strategy development as well as building working relationships with my school to include all students and teachers.
Overall I want to help and make a difference to the students so that they can achieve their goals.”
- Kay Rockell, EA to Dr Challoners High School
“Volunteering as an Enterprise Adviser is a rare opportunity to work creatively with schools to create and enhance employment opportunities for young people in your local area. Linking employers with schools is essential for the future workforce, and I’d recommend getting involved!”
- Henry Allmand CEO Heart of Bucks
We welcome professionals from a wide range of industries. We are looking for experienced business people who want to make a lasting impact on the future outcomes of young people in Buckinghamshire.
Why become an Enterprise Adviser?
This is a brilliant opportunity for a strategic business person who may be looking for an opportunity to:
- Give an insight into your specific organisation and industry.
- Use your network to connect schools with training and placement opportunities in the local area.
- Support your local school or college by helping them develop a strategic plan for careers guidance.
- Give back to your local community and support your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals.
- Get a deeper understanding of the education sector and create a strong lasting relationship with the senior leadership team.
What does an Enterprise Adviser do?
- As an Enterprise Adviser, you need to be able to commit to 8 hours per month for one school year
- Engage with local businesses in your network to share education opportunities available
- Provide an employer’s insight into career development and skills required
- Support the school or college’s senior leadership team
- Help provide focus and accountability for developing a strategic careers programme
Would you like to learn more?
Fill out our expression of Interest form below and one of our team will be in touch:
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