- By Buckinghamshire Business First

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Defra introduced the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme, which will run from July 2021 to March 2024. The programme is part of Defra’s Agricultural Transition Plan.
The programme helps farmers and land managers carry out projects that support nature's recovery, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and provide opportunities for people to enjoy the landscape while supporting nature-friendly, sustainable farm businesses. It provides funding for one-off projects covering these areas of work. It is not an agri-environmental scheme.
Funding is available for projects that began in Year 2 (ending March 2023) and Year 3 (ending March 2024). They are now accepting applications for both years. All projects must end by March 2024.
If an applicant would not receive a profit from a project, they could receive up to 100% of its costs. Where the applicant would benefit commercially from a project, they could receive between 40% and 80% of the costs through the program, depending on how much commercial benefit the project would give to the applicant.
The programme is open to all farmers and land managers—including those from the private, public, and charity sectors—in the Chilterns AONB.
You are eligible if you manage all the land included in your application (which can be any amount of land within the Chilterns AONB), or you have written consent from all parties with management and control.
What will the Programme pay for?
It will pay for projects that, in the opinion of the Local Assessment Panel, provide value for money and meet at least one of the outcomes listed below.
Your project idea must also help to deliver at least one of the Strategic Objectives of the Chilterns AONB Management Plan.
All projects will be assessed and scored using a common scoring system. You will be scored against the following categories which will be weighted differently for your final score:
• Project outcomes - (40%)
• Value for Money - (20%)
• Sustainability / legacy of project - (20%)
• Ability to deliver - (20%)
How to apply
Before applying, we encourage you to read the guidance for applicants. If you'd like to apply, please complete an application form.
If you would like to discuss this in more detail, please contact our Rural Business Development Manager, Will Dallimore at [email protected] or on 01494 927167.