- By Buckinghamshire Business First

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Businesses can help equip future generations with the inspiration and skills they need for work. Here are even more ways to inspire:
Specialist employer volunteer
Our aim is to connect Buckinghamshire schools to local & national businesses in order to bridge the gap between education and industry. Specialist employer volunteers support occasional events in schools and colleges. We strongly believe that even a small commitment can make a big difference. These can be one-off activities and can be in your local community.
We would love for businesses to offer:
- Careers inspiration talks
- Lesson activities
- Workplace visits
- Mentoring
- Careers advice
- Skills challenges
- Workshops
- After school clubs
- Work experience
Through greater exposure to a broader variety of employers and sectors, the goal is to motivate, inspire and support young people to make informed choices about their future and help them succeed in the choices they make.
Why make the commitment to become a Specialist Employer Volunteer? It’s an opportunity to:
- Work with potential local recruits
- Shape employability skills and develop tomorrow’s workforce
- Pass on enthusiasm for your sector
- Influence teaching to make it relevant to the local economy
- Promote your business to schools and their stakeholders
If you are interested in becoming a Specialist Employer Volunteer, please fill out the form below.
Please note: By completing this form you are agreeing to your data being processed by the Bucks Skills Hub team at Buckinghamshire Business First. You are also agreeing to receive emails from the Bucks Skills Hub, and the Buckinghamshire Business First Group to inform you of future opportunities and events – you may unsubscribe at any time. For full details of how we process data please read the Buckinghamshire Business First Group privacy policy.
Inspiring the future
Employers have the opportunity to offer via their staff, a minimum one hour a year to inspire young people by going into schools to talk to children about their jobs. On some occasions, this can also involve mock interviews, speed career networking, CV workshops or careers fairs. There are also opportunities for longer-term roles such as becoming a school governor, work experience, mentoring or hosting workplace visits.
Speakers for Schools
Speakers for Schools provides secondary schools and colleges with inspiring and influential people for school talks with impact.
All secondary schools and FTE colleges are eligible to apply for a talk, they last for one hour and could be delivered in person or virtually by senior ex-politicians, entrepreneurs, journalists and actors.
icould.com shares over 1,000 videos of people sharing their personal career stories to inform and inspire young people’s work choices. Interviewees explain their job role, career path and different factors that changed their career choices. It can be used as a standalone resource and is free and simple to use.
Become an Enterprise Adviser
As a senior-level professional, you may be ready to give back to your local community. Become an Enterprise Adviser and work directly with the senior leadership of a local school or college to help them develop their careers programme.
Use your strategic skills and local business network to help outline opportunities for young people to work with local employers. Support local students in order that they may gain skills that will bridge the gap between education and work.