Website tool for online shops which encourage click & collect

Hi all. 

I was wondering whether anyone here is involved with (or has knowledge of) businesses which sell bulky items (furniture, white goods Ikea-type stores) from a website, businesses which encourage 'Click & Collect', who initially - might be able to give me some feedback for my new startup venture.

I'm ultimately looking to work with someone who might like to try my website tool (when fully developed) so we can see how effective it is, and see how it could be improved and developed.

This is an exciting new venture for me. I welcome criticism, open to ideas and feedback.

I haven't gone into too much detail here, but I feel my idea could be a real help to a certain number of websites.

I'd also like to hear from people who have experience in developing software for websites, and if you feel you might be able to critique my new idea then this would be incredibly helpful.

Please let me know if you're at all intrigued and would like some more details.



Ken, hi, whilst not answering your question, I did think you may also add this question onto the Buckinghamshire Business First Members, LinkedIn Group. It may reach a different audience, or the same one a second time!

Hi Ken,
If you need advice from a digital marketing prospective let me know. I am also a freeman of the city of London and Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers - I maybe able to help put you in contact with some online furniture retailers.

Hope the project is progressing well


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