Attracting new talent into your business - Roundtable Discussion

Attracting new talent into your business - Roundtable Discussion

Attended by Rt Hon David Lidington MP for Aylesbury, this roundtable discussion event organised by FSB, Bucks College Group and Buckinghamshire Business First will share ideas and information on attracting new talent into your business.

There has been much reported in the press about a fall in the number of apprentices and the availability of apprenticeships following the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy. Despite the fact that the levy doesn’t affect small businesses, we are finding that they are still reluctant to engage with apprenticeships more. Why is this? We have some thoughts but would like to know more.

This event will aim to bust some of the myths around apprenticeships and provide information that might make employing apprentices far more accessible and achievable.

Throughout the morning we’ll be sharing information on recruiting from the education system, the funding available for small businesses to support this, and how to set up an apprenticeship culture within small businesses.

Who is the event is aimed at?

Buckinghamshire Business First, the FSB and Bucks College Group are working in partnership to invite all Buckinghamshire-based small and medium sized businesses to this free to attend event.


14 September, 2018 - 14 September, 2018
9:30am - 12:00pm
Registration and refreshments from 9.15am
University Campus Aylesbury Vale (UCAV), 59 Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QG
Please note:

Walton Street carpark is closest to the venue and please note this is a cash only carpark.

Blue badge holders can be allocated a space in the UCAV carpark. A hearing Loop is available at the venue.

Please advise when making your booking if you require a disabled space or access to the hearing loop. 

If you will  require internet access on the day - please email to advise. We will need to share your email address with UCAV so that an individual temporary sign-in can be allocated to you.

Buckinghamshire Business First Events Team;


09.15 Arrival (teas and coffee) 

09.30 Introduction – The FSB and Buckinghamshire Business First want to understand how small businesses are using apprenticeships, and if they are not, why not.

09.40 Speaker – FSB exploration of what is happening locally in the recruitment/skills market.

09.50 Jackie Campbell, Skills Development Manager at Buckinghamshire Skills Hub – Showcasing your business to young people – Getting involved

10.00  Rt Hon David Lidington MP on the skills agenda, Industrial Strategy and apprenticeships for small and medium sized businesses.

10.20 Q&A for Rt Hon David Lidington MP

10.30 Roundtable forum: 3 tables, all with a different host, looking at the different topics.

11.45 Final Q&A

12.00 Thanks and close

Roundtable topics:

1 - Making it easier to attract and recruit young people (BCG & BBF)

Val Cumberland and Jackie Campbell will be looking at what is happening to support local businesses.  This discussion should unpick recruitment cycles and what events to be involved with to ensure you’re bringing in the top talent when competing with larger organisations. Plus what businesses can do that make it easier to attract and recruit young people and the benefits for growth opportunities

2 - Apprenticeship levy funding support for small businesses (BNU)

You may be familiar with the apprenticeship levy by now, but what you may not be aware of is the funding available for small businesses.

Bucks New University will discuss the co-funding available. This heavily subsidised funding opportunity allows a small business to take on an apprentice at a fraction of the cost.

Ashley Church will introduce the new funding rules to small businesses and answer any questions on the matter.

3 - Setting up an apprenticeship culture within a small business (BNU)

Apprenticeships can significantly give back to a business if set up correctly.

There is a perception that apprenticeships will cost a lot to run (mostly the time it takes to train the individual), and for some that may be true, but we have been able to work with businesses to overcome this. The Institute of Apprenticeships has demanded that 20% of an apprenticeship is carried out off the job to ensure quality is provided in every programme setup.

In this discussion, Alexander Balicki will explain how Bucks New University is setting up its programmes within the funding rules, which won’t be a drain on business.

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