Blame to b.l.i.s.s.

Blame to b.l.i.s.s.

BoB Networking Clubs supports our High Wycombe member

Vanessa Louise Moore


Do you, like me, want to experience b.l.i.s.s. more often?....

You are invited to join me and an intimate yet awesome group of people, like you, who want to choose a better way.

A way in which we are able to navigate ourselves through life ~ how to manage the s**t life throws at us and how to choose what we actually want!

In the deepest darkest corner of my life I prayed for a miracle!!

Contemplating doing the unforgivable ~ the formula I share is how I began to turn my life around.

It's a daily, on-going process, I'd love to share with you!

  • Do join us all are welcome
  • Book to confirm your place below.

This masterclass is for anyone who:

  • * Even when things go right, they consciously or unconsciously find something that went wrong, find fault or to complain about.
  • * They berate or put themselves down
  • * They blame, compare and criticise others

We all have a tendency to allow our victim mentality take over & living in this state is exhausting, limiting and dis-empowering.

As an emotion health mentor and speaker I’m delivering a suite of a 90 minute online and face to face masterclasses to support us all learning to regulate our emotions for harmonious living.

Wednesday 24th April 7-9pm ONLINE ‘blame to BLISS’ masterclass.

  • • You’ll experience and understand the damaging effects of a victim mentality and why it takes over your life
  • • You’ll connect to and feel your BLISS and
  • • Most importantly you’ll learn how to bridge the gap from ‘blame to BLISS’

                …because feeling really is the secret.

Book your place below to join in the conversation and to come away with a simple formula to experience more BLISS.


           21days of daily love and support after the masterclass to cement your learnings.

#blametobliss #feartolove #choice


24 May, 2024 - 24 May, 2024
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Early bird price
From £99.00
Online Event
Please note:
Online workshop - Potentially Life changing - Gift yourself a 2 hour sanctuary – Bring an open mind – Enjoy
Vanessa Loves
[email protected]

Book now

Tickets for this event are no longer available.