Eco Design Consultants

We are an award winning chartered architecture practice, designing beautiful, practical & fun places to live & work.

  • Construction and building services › Architects
  • Milton Keynes
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A bit about us

We specialise in Passivhaus both new build and retrofit.

Architecture has the power to change people’s lives not just by providing comfortable shelter, and a secure safe environment but by giving delight. Architecture should provide a range of experiences from comfort and relaxation to fun and excitement. It should also encourage and enable healthy lifestyles and interaction with others.

As Environmental Consultants, we provide sustainability support for individuals and strategic development advice for housing associations. Our clients range from other architects to national house builders to achieve low energy buildings, including to the Passivhaus, AECB Silver & Code for Sustainable Homes standard.

Passivhaus is the world’s leading fabric first approach to low energy building. It dramatically reduces heating and cooling requirements, whilst creating excellent indoor air quality, comfort and health. It is a rigorous voluntary standard tried and tested on over 37,000 buildings worldwide for over 25 years. The standard is equally suited to retrofits.

  • Eco Design Consultants
  • Milton Keynes Art Centre Parklands Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK14 5DZ


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