Jennie Bolt

Jennie Bolt is a qualified coach, facilitator and educator specialising in mental wellbeing.

  • Education › Education Services
  • Wendover
  • 3
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A bit about us

A Wellbeing Educator facilitating 1-1’s taking you from Anxious to Amazing and your problems to possibilities. In addition, Jennie assists parents of children taking the 11+ exam and with other learning stresses. 

I am working with people who are looking for ways to adapt and jump tracks from the current disruptive situations without the issues of stress anxiety and pressures that are being piled on to us.

1-1 private sessionsIn these sessions we will give you tools and techniques to  release  blocks, overwhelm, anxiety and  stress. 

Smash 11+ StressThis programme offers simple tools for creating speed, ease and accuracy with the 11+ revision and exam techniques to  relieve distractions, stress or anxiety and help with confidence, focus and timing issues for only £67.00.Find out more at [email protected]


Anxious to Amazing Working with groups these pragmatic tools are a strategic de-stress for people in the workplace.  



  • Jennie Bolt
  • Wendover


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