Westcott Venture Park

Westcott Venture Park

Westcott is a secure 650 acre business park, home to over 80 successful businesses and the Westcott Space Cluster

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A bit about us

Westcott is situated between Bicester and Aylesbury and at the centre of the Oxford to Cambridge Arc.  The Park provides over 500,000 sq ft of commercial floor space and forms part of the Aylesbury Vale's Enterprise Zone.

Westcott offers a diverse range of accommodation including start up incubation space, offices, industrial, warehousing, specialist R&D and facilities for rocket testing. It is a place for businesses to secure their future within a community of technology innovators and in a location that offers unrivalled security and space to grow. 

Westcott is a place where sustainability is a commitment, and not an aspiration and the Park is soon to be the first carbon-negative business park in the UK.

Originally created as a base for training bomber crews, the Westcott site became a government-backed Guided Projectile Establishment in 1946 as shown in this video.

Major missile propulsion programmes were developed such as the Blue Streak and Black Knight which were the pre-cursor to the Ariane rockets, and the top-secret Chevaline, but Westcott’s rockets have also been used for space exploration such as the Mars Global Surveyor mission to Mars in the 1990s.

Westcott is recognised as an integral part of the UK space sector growth strategy with a nucleus of well-established companies supporting rocket and satellite enabled research and development projects. Companies at Westcott continue to play a key role in providing rocket engines for interplanetary missions such as the JUNO Mission, Rosetta probe and fueling the Galileo Satellites.

The sites proud heritage continues to grow as a development and testing zone for some of the world’s most exciting aerospace and propulsion technology pioneers.

2018 saw the launch of the Westcott Space Cluster which is run by the Satellite Applications Catapult and includes the Westcott Innovation Centre, Business Incubation Centre, and Future Networks Development Centre. The Space Cluster is home to both large and small businesses working in the sector, with both technical and business support on site for start ups to fast track their growth and commercialisation as part of a strong community.

The key areas of focus are space propulsion, autonomous systems such as drones, and communications such as 5G and satellite networks.

Building work is currently underway for the next developments within the Space Cluster, with announcements on the specific facilities coming soon. Companies working within space and related sectors are very much encouraged to get in touch with the Catapult or the Westcott Venture Park and join the community.

In 2021 a new gold standard national rocket test facility known as the National Space Propulsion Test Facility was opened by Science Minister Amanda Solloway at Westcott. The centre allows UK companies and academics to test state-of-the-art propulsion engines which are used to move small satellites in space at a more affordable rate than having to go abroad. It also allows new types of more sustainable propellants to be tested, such as Hydrogen Peroxide and Liquid Oxygen which are more environmentally friendly in sourcing, storage and combustion.

Further announcements will be coming soon on developments at Westcott including a 26,785 sq ft industrial/warehouse building at Plot 4000, 122,000 sq ft industrial / warehouse buildings across Plot 6000 and Plot 6010 which will be built in two phases and a 21,600 sq ft warehouse/showroom on Plot 3000. Planning has been granted for a new 16,240 sq ft industrial development at Plot 1030 and a further planning application for speculative development will be made on Plot 9000 for approximately 60,000 sq ft of industrial / warehouse development. Finally, there is the expectation of completion of a new 7.65MW solar park to compliment the existing 1.6MW solar park which will make Westcott Venture Park, carbon negative.   

  • Westcott Venture Park
  • Westcott Venture Park Westcott Buckinghamshire HP18 0XB

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