Can you share your positive experiences of hiring apprentices?

Buckinghamshire Skills Hub is establishing an Apprenticeship Ambassador Network to promote the benefits of recruiting apprentices.

Julia Bond, Enterprise Coordinator at Buckinghamshire Skills Hub, explains how employers can get involved

We know that apprenticeships are becoming an increasingly popular way of solving recruitment and skills issues amongst Buckinghamshire employers.

On the back of the work recently undertaken to develop the Buckinghamshire Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), we would like to see the recruitment of apprentices thrive.

The demand from young people is there - now we need to make sure it can be satisfied

The success of the apprenticeship system depends on a healthy partnership between employers, training providers and apprentices.

Can you help us develop this partnership?

What the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network will do

The Apprenticeship Ambassador Network (AAN) will have two main purposes:

  1. To enable current or recently finished apprentices to speak about their experiences and motivations for choosing the apprenticeship pathway to young people and/or parent carers in the county.
  2. To enable employers of apprentices to share their experience of recruiting apprentices with other Buckinghamshire employers who may be undecided as to the benefits of recruiting in this way.

Play your part in telling a positive story about apprenticeships

As an employer, by joining the Buckinghamshire AAN, you will be a valuable resource to the Buckinghamshire Skills Hub, who may contact you to ask you to explain to other employers the benefits of recruiting apprentices.

You will also be able to network with like-minded employers in the county, as well as those who are already members of the South East Region Apprenticeship Ambassador Network.

How to get involved

Please contact me, Julia Bond, at to sign up or to arrange a time to discuss this opportunity in more detail.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Business community ambassadors