- By Buckinghamshire Business First
- 23 February, 2017

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Generating £36.80 gross value added (GVA) per hour worked, Buckinghamshire’s productivity is 15.6 per cent above the national level, the 20th highest among the UK’s 168 NUTS3 regions, ranking 5th outside London. Buckinghamshire is one of only 47 NUTS3 regions in the UK with GVA per hour worked above the national level.
Buckinghamshire’s NUTS 2 area, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire, ranks 4th among the UK’s 40 NUTS 2 regions behind Inner London West, Inner London East and Outer London West and North West. Only 11 NUTS 2 regions exceed the national level.
Buckinghamshire’s productivity growth in 2015 failed to match that recorded across the country as a whole for a fourth successive year and for the 8th time in the last eleven years. Buckinghamshire has also failed to match the productivity growth recorded across the South East NUTS1 region and the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire NUTS2 region.
Chart 1: GVA per hour worked over time (UK=100 for each year), top ranked NUTS 3 regions outside London, 2015
Source: ONS, 2017
At £59,254 Buckinghamshire’s GVA per filled job was 16.6 per cent above the national level, ranking 21st among NUTS3 regions, with 45 bettering the national level.
Buckinghamshire has the 4th highest GVA per hour worked among Local Enterprise Partnerships with only 10 bettering the national rate. For GVA per filled job, Buckinghamshire ranks 3rd, with 11 LEPs above the national rate. The West of England is the only Core City LEP with productivity above the national level, ranking 10th, while no Core City local authority matches the national rate, Bristol being the highest ranked at 71st, with productivity at 94.1 per cent of the UK level.
Table 1: GVA per hour worked (2015) and per filled job (2014), selected regions
Source: ONS, 2017
Chart 2: GVA per hour worked over time (UK=100 for each year)
Source: ONS, 2017
Table 2: GVA per hour worked and per filled job by LEP, 2015
Source: ONS, 2017
And for Local Enterprise Partnerships