- By Buckinghamshire Business First
- 13 February, 2018

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Buckinghamshire’s productivity is the 3rd highest among the 38 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), ranking 21st among the 168 NUTS3 regions in the UK and 5th highest outside London.
Buckinghamshire is one of only nine LEPs where productivity is above that of England’s and is one of only 48 NUTS3 regions to better UK productivity, two fewer than last year but the same as in 2007, 2009 and 2014.
The productivity of Buckinghamshire’s NUTS2 area, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire, ranked 4th among the UK’s 40 NUTS2 regions, behind Inner London West, Inner London East and Outer London West and North West, but saw growth below the national level in 2016. Of its four constituent NUTS3 areas, only Oxfordshire’s growth of 1.9 per cent bettered the UK’s 1.3 per cent, ahead of Berkshire (1.0), Buckinghamshire (0.7) and Milton Keynes (0.4).
Buckinghamshire’s productivity growth in 2016 failed to match that recorded across the country as a whole for a fifth successive year. Since 2012 Buckinghamshire’s GVA per hour has risen by just 4.5 per cent, the 3rd smallest increase among LEPs and well below the 8.2 per cent increase recorded across the UK. Over the same period, the number of hours worked in Buckinghamshire per week has risen by 12.0 per cent, the 7th highest increase among LEPs, compared to a rise of 7.8 per cent across the UK. This suggests new work undertaken in Buckinghamshire is of lower value per hour than existing activity.
Chart 1: GVA per hour worked over time (UK=100 for each year), top ranked NUTS3 regions outside London, 2016
Source: ONS, 2018
At £61,114, Buckinghamshire’s GVA per filled job was 16.1 per cent above the national level, ranking 22nd among NUTS3 regions, with 45 bettering the national level.
Table 1: GVA per hour worked and per filled job, selected regions 2016
Source: ONS, 2018
Chart 2: GVA per hour worked over time, Buckinghamshire & combined authorities (UK=100 for each year)
Source: ONS, 2018
Table 2: GVA per hour worked and per filled job by LEP, 2016
Source: ONS, 2018
Raw data are available here ->
And for Local Enterprise Partnerships here ->