Invest in the future of Buckinghamshire’s economy

The Buckinghamshire Business First AGM, held online on December 5th, was a brilliant showcase of what we have achieved in the past 12 months and more, and what our plans are for the year ahead.

Our Chairman, Michael Garvey MBE, provided an inspiring message about how all businesses can become part of something bigger and support a collaborative, flourishing local economy by co-investing in Buckinghamshire Business First.

Why Buckinghamshire needs strong business leadership

By Michael Garvey MBE, Chairman, Buckinghamshire Business First

Imagine a Buckinghamshire where businesses of all sizes thrive in a vibrant local economy, where start-ups flourish alongside multinational corporations, and every company has access to the resources, networks, and opportunities they need to succeed.

This vision is not only possible, it is within reach. But it requires the commitment of our senior business leaders to make it a reality.

It is time to consider why co-investing in Buckinghamshire Business First (BBF) is an investment in your business, your community, and the county’s future.

Buckinghamshire has long been one of the most dynamic and prosperous regions in the UK thanks to its strategic location, skilled workforce, and entrepreneurial spirit. However, maintaining this position is not guaranteed. The challenges we face - economic uncertainty, global competition, and rapid technological change - demand a proactive response.

A strong local economy does not happen by chance; it is the result of deliberate action and collaboration among its leaders. Buckinghamshire Business First serves as the engine driving this collaboration, championing the interests of all businesses across the county.

By co-investing in BBF, you can ensure the continuation of critical initiatives that benefit not only your business but the wider business community.

The case for co-investment

  • Strengthening Local Supply Chains
    • A thriving local economy benefits businesses of all sizes. When small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) succeed, they contribute to stronger supply chains, create new opportunities, and attract investment that benefits the entire ecosystem. By supporting BBF, you are investing in initiatives that uplift SMEs, ensuring your own business has access to a robust local network of suppliers and partners.
  • Attracting and Retaining Talent
    • Buckinghamshire is competing for talent on a global stage. By co-investing in BBF, you enable projects that enhance the county’s reputation as a great place to live, work, and grow. From workforce development programmes to infrastructure improvements, BBF ensures that Buckinghamshire remains an attractive location for the best and brightest.
  • Championing Innovation
    • Innovation is the lifeblood of business success. BBF fosters innovation by connecting businesses to funding opportunities, research institutions, and each other. Your co-investment helps accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and practices across the county, keeping Buckinghamshire at the forefront of economic growth.
  • Advocating for Buckinghamshire’s Interests
    • A unified voice is essential to influence government policy and attract funding for major projects. BBF represents the collective interests of Buckinghamshire businesses, ensuring we secure the support needed to address infrastructure, housing, and transport challenges that could otherwise hinder growth.
  • Giving Back to the Community
    • Your success as a business leader is intrinsically linked to the health of the community around you. Co-investing in BBF is not just a strategic business decision - it is a commitment to giving back to the county that has contributed to your success. It is a way to leave a legacy of opportunity for future generations of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

The power of collaboration

When senior business leaders co-invest in Buckinghamshire Business First, the impact is exponential. Together, we are part of something bigger that can achieve what no single business can do alone: create a resilient, diversified economy that benefits every sector. Your leadership sends a powerful message that Buckinghamshire’s business community is united, forward-thinking, and committed to securing a prosperous future.

The call to action

Now is the time to act. Co-investing in Buckinghamshire Business First is not just about supporting an organisation - it is about taking responsibility for the future of Buckinghamshire’s economy. It is about ensuring that every business, from the smallest start-up to the largest corporation, has the opportunity to thrive.

Join us in building a Buckinghamshire where every business, irrespective of size, has the tools and resources to succeed. Together, we can create a legacy of growth, innovation, and prosperity that will define Buckinghamshire for decades to come.

Co-invest in Buckinghamshire Business First. Co-invest in your future.

Details of our co-investment opportunities can be found here.

To speak to one of the team in more detail, email [email protected] or call 01494 927130.

Business community ambassadors