Private sector rents in Buckinghamshire, Q3 2016

At £1,113 per month, mean private sector rents in Buckinghamshire are 35.0 per cent higher than across England as a whole, the 2nd highest among the 27 county council areas, ranking 3rd among the 39 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), behind London and Enterprise M3.

Mean private rents in Buckinghamshire for the year ending Q3 2016 were 7.2 per cent higher than in the preceding year, the 3rd fastest rise among county council areas, ranking 5th highest rise among LEPs.  Median monthly rents rose 8.6 per cent in the last year to £950, 46.2 per cent above England’s median and the 3rd highest among county council areas.

Table 1: Private rents, year ending Q3 2016

Source: VOA, 2016

South Bucks has both the highest mean rent in Buckinghamshire and the 15th highest of all 326 local authorities in England at £1,628 per month.  At £1,275 and £1,250 respectively, South Bucks and Chiltern have the 24th and 25th highest median private sector rents ahead Wycombe (£950, 63rd) and Aylesbury Vale (£825, 97th).

The mean private rent for a room in Buckinghamshire is £400, £360 at the median, falling to £350 at the 25th percentile.  While this gives Buckinghamshire the 7th least expensive median private rents for rooms among the 27 county council area, at £585 Buckinghamshire’s studios are the 5th most expensive, with one bedroom properties ranking 4th and all larger properties ranking 3rd, from £900 for a two bedroom property to £1,850 for properties with four or more bedrooms.  Mean rents by size of property are presented in Table 2 with median rents in table 3.

Table 2: Mean private rents by type of property, year ending Q3 2016

Source: VOA, 2016

Table 3: Median private rents by type of property, year ending Q3 2016

Source: VOA, 2016

The raw data are available here:

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