Win a free TV ad campaign for your business

Sky is running a competition to champion and reward businesses that are committed to a more sustainable future in their community.

So, does your business or a business you know have a strong focus on sustainability and driving positive change for our planet?

The prize

The ‘Sky Zero Footprint Fund: Local Heroes’ competition will see nine businesses from across the UK and Republic of Ireland win £20,000 of media value to spend on a TV campaign to advertise in their local area through AdSmart from Sky. Winners will also receive up to £2,500 towards ad creation from a local production agency.

How to win

Once you've entered, you’ll need the support of your local community to vote for you. You'll need to finish in the top 10 most voted for businesses in your region to advance to the next stage.

If you place in the top 10, you will move forward to a judging panel where you’ll be invited to pitch to claim first place and your TV campaign prize.

How to enter

Read all about the competition here, and make sure you check the entry criteria before you apply.

You can enter the competition here.

The deadline to enter is 29th October. The announcement of the top ten finalists, the judging panel, and announcement of the winners will take place throughout November.

If you do enter, let us know at and tag us in to any social media posts you send out to promote it, as we can help spread the word! (See our social media handles here.)

Best of luck!

Business community ambassadors