Bucks Rural Business Grant - time running out to apply

The Bucks Rural Business Grant is a new programme that provides investment for micro and small enterprises in rural areas, including for net zero infrastructure and farm business diversification.

Do you need help with your application?

A message from William Dallimore, Rural Business Development Manager at Buckinghamshire Business First:

"It’s important to start the grant application heading in the right direction, so I would reiterate that I’m here to talk through project ideas before you submit your expression of interest outlining the details of your project. 

"Thus far, approx. 80% of applications received have progressed to the next stage, having met the broad criteria for the programme.

"You probably have questions about how you could utilise a grant – so I’m very happy to talk it through with you and help you through the application process too. Please email me at william.dallimore@ngagesolutions.co.uk or call on 01494 927167 / 07802 411040."

About the Bucks Rural Business Grant (BRBG)

The Bucks Rural Business Grant is a capital grants programme for rural businesses funded through the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) by Defra.

It follows on from the EU-funded LEADER Programme and Growth Programme, both of which were part of the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE).

Just over £1.8 million has been allocated across the two-year programme to help Buckinghamshire's rural businesses with building costs and equipment.

The funding is delivered by Buckinghamshire Council, with Buckinghamshire Business First supporting businesses through the application process.

What is the aim of the programme?

To create opportunities for businesses to start, grow, and increase employment opportunities.

This will be achieved through small-scale investment in micro and small enterprises in rural areas*, including capital funding for net zero infrastructure for rural businesses, and diversification of farm businesses (non-agriculture), to encourage start up, expansion or scale up of these businesses where this involves converting farm buildings into other commercial or business uses.

What kinds of projects can be funded?

Typical projects eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • farm diversification
  • tourism initiatives
  • food and drink processing
  • forestry
  • other rural enterprises

Eligibility guidelines for the Bucks Rural Business Grant

Check that your business meets the criteria before you apply:

  • Businesses applying must be micro to small enterprises (0 to 50 employees with a turnover of less than €10 million).
  • Projects need to be new and cannot have started already (no retrospective funding).
  • Projects will need to be within an eligible geographic area* (use this interactive map to check if you are located within an eligible area).

New or established businesses can apply.

*What counts as a rural area?

For the purposes of this fund, rural areas are defined as:

  • towns, villages and hamlets (and the wider countryside) with populations below 10,000
  • market or ‘hub towns’ with populations of up to 30,000 that serve their surrounding rural areas as centres of employment and in providing services

Use this interactive map to check if you are located within an eligible area.

Grant information

  • Individual grant amounts will be from £2,500 to £300,000.
  • Grants will initially be offered at 40% of the total eligible project value.
  • Projects will need to be approved before expenditure can be incurred.
  • This is a two-year scheme and projects will need to be completed, having evidenced spend and claimed funding awarded, by March 2025.

Apply for funding

You will need to submit an expression of interest outlining the details of your project. This will be reviewed and, if the project is eligible, you will be invited to complete an application.

Support for completing applications will be provided by Buckinghamshire Business First.

Learn more and submit an expression of interest for the Bucks Rural Business Grant >

Do you need any help with an application for a Bucks Rural Business Grant? 

Contact Will Dallimore, Rural Business Development Manager at Buckinghamshire Business First, to talk through potential projects, the application process, and to ask any questions you have about the Bucks Rural Business Grant scheme.

Call 01494 927167 / 07802 411040 or email William.Dallimore@ngagesolutions.co.uk.