Difficult Conversations around Mental Health in the Workplace - Sept 2020

Difficult Conversations around Mental Health in the Workplace - Sept 2020

Starting a conversation on mental health may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. 

This one hour webinar will help you to understand the key points to remember when starting these converstions and will also equip you with the tools and resources available. 

What will be covered?

  • Health and wellbeing at work and it’s benefits
  • 3 key points which are important in having conversations
  • Top tips for having conversations
  • Tools and resources
  • Learning from and discussing existing case studies 

Why attend?

Providing managers with the skills necessary to have these difficult conversations in the workplace will bring a host of additional benefits over and above improved morale, including improved staff retention, lower recruitment costs, improved productivity and ultimately improved profitability, to name but a few.

Who is this event aimed at? 

This event will be beneficial to business owners and managers who have responsibility for staff. 

The event is delivered by Healthy Mind’s Employment Support Service provided by Richmond Fellowship’s Employment Advisors. The employment support service is part of Healthy Minds - Buckinghamshire’s free NHS talking therapy service provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. 

To book your place

Scroll down to the 'Book now' area below to reserve your place.  A link and password to join the webinar will be sent via email one hour prior to the start time. 

This is an event to help businesses through the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak and is also part of a group of online events focusing on improving workplace wellbeing.


11 September, 2020 - 11 September, 2020
10:00am - 11:00am
A link and password to join the webinar will be sent via email one hour prior to the start time. If you have not received this, please check your spam/junk folder.
Please note:

To make the most of attending this webinar on Zoom, please download our Zoom Attendee Guide

If entering a Zoom meeting for the first time you will need to download a small application file. Full instructions can be found within the Zoom attendee guide. 

Buckinghamshire Business First Events Team
[email protected]

Book now

Tickets for this event are no longer available.