The Business Clubhouse

The Business Clubhouse

Business (Owner) Coach | Leadership Coach - part of the global LMI family. Globally recognised programmes to develop you and your teams.

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A bit about us

A career in professional sports coaching and building several businesses led me to sharing those skills, successes, failures and learnings with business leaders. 

Working with me gets you a sounding board, a critical friend and as one client put it “being poked by a bear”. You’ll get asked the tough questions in a safe space and be challenged to build success around your values. 

I’ve had experience in building successful teams, pushing individuals to be the best they can be and enabling personal and business change over the last 35 years. 

I benefit from being backed by an international leadership organisation – Learning Management International. This brings with it a proven set of learning and development resources helping deliver world class results. 

Clients benefit from improved productivity, better work/life balance, greater profits and wellbeing. 

I’ve spoken extensively to business audiences and in school environments helping young people be the leaders of tomorrow. 

Ready to lead your business to a better future? 

Get in touch with me [email protected] 

Leadership Training 

Because I’m part of Leadership Management International UK, (LMI) I’m able to offer world class leadership programmes to you and your team.

LMI has been operating since 1966. It operates in 80 countries and has delivered lasting change to over 2 million clients around the globe with programmes being translated into 26 different languages.

In short, there’s nothing better if you’re serious about developing real leadership within your organisation.

I offer access to the most practical solutions on the planet to help people lead and manage themselves, their team and organisation more effectively. Proven leadership training established in 80 countries for over 60 years maximising the full potential of people in your organisation.

Take a look at

  • The Business Clubhouse
  • CHALFONT ST. GILES Buckinghamshire

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Events by The Business Clubhouse


Ash has a knack for helping you sort out the jumble of thoughts in your head into definite goals and a plan to get there. Not sure how he does it; my goals are not only bigger than I originally thought but feel more achievable too and the rabbit in headlights feeling has gone.

If you need help figuring out how to get where you want or even where you're going, and need someone to keep you accountable whilst cheering you on, Ash is the man you need.
Andrea Peck - Client since 2016

  • Andrea
  • Peck
  • Simply Garden Maintenance
  • 16 June, 2023

"I'd never tried business coaching before, but their approach is knowledgeable, passionate and firm enough to make you realise that the dream you want to reach really can become a reality. We have now set goals for our business that we really hold ourselves to and have a much clearer idea of what we can achieve" - Becca Cranfield, Athena Stonecare

  • Becca
  • Cranfield
  • Athena Stonecare
  • 1 July, 2017

Ash was my automatic go-to person when I needed some clarity on how to change my business model. Within an hour, I could see a clearer route to MY goals – and that was the significant thing, it was my goals and ideas of what success would look like for me that we got to grips with, not someone else’s view. Ash’s real gift was showing me I was not thinking big enough, that small thinking was getting in the way and that there was a way of thinking BIG that didn’t mean sacrificing everything else and getting bogged down in an 80 hour week. Slept like a baby for the first time in weeks knowing I had a clear plan for action! Thanks Ash

  • Christine Nicholson ACMA
  • Owner
  • The Profit Fixer
  • 12 February, 2018

My business is at a place I used to dream of

I've been working with Ash for several years. Post covid in the last 12 months the business is at a place I used to dream of, with plans to continue to grow and expand into new areas.

Ash has helped me to think bigger and dream, by dreaming we were able to put a plan together and that dream is becoming a reality.

By attending Locker Room days and meeting other business owners has hugely helped just through learning from others as well as being able to bounce ideas.

Having sessions 1 to 1 with Ash has been fundamental to my growth as a person and also the business.
Ash is brilliant at knowing what questions to ask, helping challenge my thinking, one in particular belief I had was to earn more money, I'd have to give up more time by working in the business which I didn't want to do. Also about everything I do is a choice.

This has been huge for me as I have 2 young children (2yrs and 6months) and time being a huge value of mine, and my family's.

Thank you so much Ash, I am so grateful for all your support and all your challenges and excited for the next step in my personal and the business growth.

  • Emma
  • Hollings
  • Major Moments
  • 10 April, 2024

“My overriding reason for choosing to work with Ash was that, he holds far more credibility than a lot of other business coaches. By that, I mean, we know he can say with honesty: “I’ve been there, and I’ve done that!”. It can be easy to say you need to do ‘this, this or this’. But unless you’ve been through that journey yourself, you can’t advise. The big attraction when working with Ash is that he has integrity and real experience of the ups and downs of running a business. He’s done it, and he’s continuing to do it”. – Robin Adams, Perfect Blend Marketing, Client since 2017

  • Robin Adams
  • Owner
  • Perfect Blend Marketing
  • 14 March, 2024

"I would definitely recommend Ash. He changed our business for the better.

He’s a ‘man of his word’ because we have done what we set out to do; which was to initially grow from four to five figures and get above the VAT threshold within six months. We’ve grown from a team of 2 to 22 and now we’re generating as much profit per month as we were generating in revenue per year.” – Tom Welbourne, The Good Marketer, Client since 2018 "

  • Tom
  • Welbourne
  • The Good Marketer
  • 23 February, 2022

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Meet our team

Ash Taylor

Ash Taylor


Hannah Illingworth

Hannah Illingworth

Business Manager

Link to The Business Clubhouse


  • Thames Valley Entrepreneur of the year, 2012
  • Winner Corporate Speaking Challenge, 2017
  • 2nd Most Loved Coaching Business in the U.K, 2011