Buckinghamshire Enterprise Zone: Bucks Business Awards sponsor

We are speaking to each of our brilliant Business Awards Sponsors to hear why they are involved with the awards.

Buckinghamshire Enterprise Zone - sponsors of the Innovative Business of the Year Award

Buckinghamshire Enterprise Zone is a multi-site facility, based in a highly strategic position at the centre of the Oxford to Cambridge Arc. The Enterprise Zone is linked to three nationally strategic assets - Silverstone Park, Westcott Venture Park, and Arla/Woodlands - which can offer your business significant strategic advantage.

What do the Buckinghamshire Business Awards mean to the Buckinghamshire Enterprise Zone?

"We are delighted to be part of the Business Awards. The event really helps to identify the best of Buckinghamshire business, and through the judging process we get to learn much more about the most innovative and dynamic businesses across the county.

"Over the years, the Buckinghamshire Business Awards have brought to our attention some of the finest and fastest-growing businesses in Buckinghamshire, many of whom we have been delighted to support in their continued development and growth."

What impressed and inspired you most about last year’s winners, Lunaz, and the runners-up, GRIDSERVE Sustainable Energy and Janno Media?

"We were really impressed by the leadership qualities and ambition shown by all three of the finalists.

"Each of the leaders had a clear vision for the growth of their business, had realistic plans for how that growth could be realised, and showed a passion and drive to enable their teams to deliver and feed in innovative suggestions of their own."

You are also a Stakeholder member and close partner of Buckinghamshire Business First. Does this, and your awards sponsorship, make you feel more closely connected to the local business community?

“Buckinghamshire Council, who manage the Enterprise Zone programme, are close partners of Buckinghamshire Business First, a partnership that has created a positive economic impact across the county to help innovative companies thrive and enhance our position as the Entrepreneurial Heart of Britain. 

“Sponsoring the Innovative Business of the Year Award gives us the chance to showcase some of the best examples of innovation and allows us to connect with the creative people behind the companies that have achieved outstanding success.”

What would you say to anyone that is thinking of entering the Innovative Business of the Year Award? (N.B. This article was published before the entry deadline, which has now passed)

"By their nature, innovative businesses are fast moving and develop rapidly to develop new products and services and to work in new markets. These innovative businesses help to spot new business trends and opportunities, so it is always great to hear about their latest achievements and sometimes help them make new connections as part of the judging process.

“We would therefore encourage all innovative businesses to enter these prestigious awards. Participating not only celebrates their achievements but also helps to move their business forward and stand out from the crowd.”

Sponsorship opportunities available

There are lots of sponsorship opportunities available in connection to the Buckinghamshire Business Awards. Download the Sponsorship Opportunities brochure or email [email protected] for more information.

Business community ambassadors