How smart is your phone?

Our mobile phones are always at hand, with barely a minute going by without giving in to the urge to check emails or texts, fire off a tweet or play a distracting game for a minute or two. But if you are running a business, particularly a small one, your mobile phone can be harnessed to become one of your most valuable assets.

This is something that the UK Government has tried to encourage in the past. A consultation a couple of years ago between the software industry and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), resulted in the industry producing simple tax and record keeping mobile apps for small businesses. The apps are mostly free and can be used alongside HMRC’s existing guidance and tools. Aimed at small businesses and the self employed who are below the VAT threshold of £77,000, the apps are a great tool for maintaining up to date records and estimating tax liability.

HMRC has compiled a helpful list of the types of ways various devices like Androids, iPhone’s and iPad’s can be used for record keeping.

There are also Android and iPhone versions of the HMRC Tax Calculator, which can be found here.

The following is a list of apps that can be useful for businesses in a variety of ways, though they are dependant on the type of phone you have:

  • Google Drive – you can store all of your business documents in this cloud, tracking changes and creating new documents on the go.
  • Evernote – a note-making and bookmarking application.
  • Skype – free calls. Who couldn’t make use of that?
  • Webex – this enables you to hold meetings and webinars in HD video.
  • Box or Dropbox – both enable you to store information and documents online, giving you easy access wherever you are.
  • Quickbooks or Kashflow – These are accounting apps that allows you to create invoices and estimates for clients, among other useful things.
  • – a customer support app that lets you engage with all of your customers in one place.
  • Hootsuite - for keeping up to date with your social media accounts, you can schedule tweets and share your company news. 

These are just a few of the many apps that businesses can use to ease their day-to-day operations. Different apps will suit different businesses, so search for the ones that fit in with how you work.

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