- By Buckinghamshire Business First
- 14 September, 2023

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Businesses are invited to help with brainstorming and debating solutions to skills issues identified in the Local Skills Improvement Plan. By joining a Buckinghamshire Sector Employer Group, businesses can help drive positive change.
Driving Positive Change
The primary goal of the Groups is to advise Buckinghamshire Business First on matters impacting sectoral economic growth, particularly focusing on recruitment and skills. These Groups will actively support the development of the Local Skills Improvement Plan, oversee its implementation, and contribute to its success. This involves identifying skills needs for Buckinghamshire employers and collaborating with post-16 technical education and skills providers to formulate effective solutions. Additionally, the Groups offer excellent networking opportunities with other businesses in the sector.
The Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP)
The Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) is a ground-breaking report that has established the specific skills priorities for Buckinghamshire and created the blueprint for how these needs can be met. It is the sum of six months of hard work, debates and focus groups with employers, training providers and other stakeholders. Learn more and read the LSIP here >
How to get involved and stay involved
Join a Buckinghamshire Sector Employer Group
Nobody knows the economic and workforce-related conditions on the ground better than the businesses who are at the coalface day in, day out.
By joining a Buckinghamshire Sector Employer Group, employers will advise Buckinghamshire Business First on issues which affect economic growth in their sector and, in particular, advise on issues affecting recruitment and skills.
You are at the heart of the Buckinghamshire skills system, which is why you have a role to play in agreeing the solutions that can drive the changes necessary for employers like you.
The sectors represented by an Employer Group are:
- Construction
- Digital
- Engineering
- Film & TV
The work that has been done by these groups so far has contributed greatly to how the LSIP has taken shape.
Want to join a Sector Employer Group?
If you would like to join one of the sector groups, please contact John Browning, Programme Manager for the Local Skills Improvement Plan in Buckinghamshire, at [email protected] or 01296 798774 / 07507 690892.
Sector Employer Group meeting dates
The next wave of Employer Group meetings will be the first to get started on the implementation of the detail of the Local Skills Improvement Plan.
The dates for the next Sector Employer Group meetings are below. More dates will be added in due course, so do check back as this article is updated, or contact John Browning via the details above.
Construction Sector Employer Meetings
- Additional dates will be announced shortly
Engineering Sector Employer Meetings
- Additional dates will be announced shortly
Film & TV Sector Employer Meeting:
- Additional dates will be announced shortly
Digital Sector Employer Meeting
- Additional dates will be announced shortly
Format of the meetings
- Meetings will take the form of informal “round table” discussions
- Meetings will take place approximately three times per year
- Meetings will be arranged to encourage networking opportunities
Purpose of the Buckinghamshire Sector Employer Groups
The key aim of the Buckinghamshire Sector Employer Groups is to advise Buckinghamshire Business First on issues which affect economic growth in their sector and, in particular, to advise on issues affecting recruitment and skills.
The groups support and guide the development of the Local Skills Improvement Plan, monitor its implementation and contribute in any way possible to its success. They do this by identifying skills needs for employers in Buckinghamshire and working with post-16 technical education and skills providers to develop solutions.
Objectives of the Buckinghamshire Sector Employer Groups
- To support the work of Buckinghamshire Business First in identifying skills and recruitment issues which may represent barriers to business growth within their sector in Buckinghamshire.
- To provide a valuable ‘think tank’ capability to allow Buckinghamshire Business First to canvass industry views and needs on a range of wider issues relating to economic growth.
- To provide a networking opportunity for attendees.
How to join a Sector Employer Group
Any business operating in Buckinghamshire in the relevant sector may be considered for membership of the group.
If you would like to join one of the sector groups please contact John Browning, Programme Manager for the Local Skills Improvement Plan in Buckinghamshire, at [email protected] or 01296 798774 / 07507 690892.