- By Buckinghamshire Business First
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The global fight against a climate emergency is on, and the business community has a part to play no matter what the size of the business or the sector it operates in.
Here at Buckinghamshire Business First, we are not only looking at how we can reduce plastics, waste, and carbon in our own business, we’ve been looking at how our community of local businesses can drive innovation and change in their own organisations to contribute towards a Net Zero Buckinghamshire economy.
To that end, we are excited to announce the launch of our new Net Zero Buckinghamshire Collaboration Circle.
What is a collaboration circle?
Quite simply, we’re aiming to bring together a group of businesses with a shared ambition to create a Net Zero Buckinghamshire economy to pool knowledge, resources, and ideas.
Who is it for?
You don’t need to be an expert in Low Carbon or even have started on your journey to Net Zero – just be willing to get involved and listen, share, and collaborate with other businesses with a Net Zero business ambition.
If you can bring to life the steps you have taken to ‘green’ your business then your experience may just provide the impetus for others to start on a similar path.
Our Low Carbon advisers will also be on hand to help illuminate how creating a Net Zero business can help you to attract new customers, open up new markets, form new collaborations, access finance, and reduce costs.
What do I need to do?
- In the first instance, let us know you are interested and why you want to join the group. You can let us know here >
- When you join the group, please introduce yourself and your business, and let other members know what you are hoping to get out of the group.
Why should I join?
You will be at the forefront of businesses leading change and will join other business leaders working together to make a difference.
Can you afford not to?