Jonathan Pagden: the 'Voice of God' at the Bucks Business Awards Ceremony

We are speaking to each of our brilliant Business Awards Sponsors and Partners to hear why they are involved with the awards.

Buckinghamshire Business Awards finalists

The finalists have now been announced - see who has been shortlisted here - which means we are getting so close to the Buckinghamshire Business Awards Ceremony on October 9th!

Jonathan Pagden: the 'Voice of God' at the Business Awards Ceremony

Jonathan Pagden is an experienced voiceover artist who specialises in live event co-presentation at awards shows, company conventions and conferences, as well as radio news and presentation, and corporate videos and explainers.

What do the Buckinghamshire Business Awards mean to you?

"It's a chance to use my skills locally to me, to (I hope!) enhance everybody's evening and do my part in sending them home happy - even those that didn't win.

"It’s also, selfishly, nice to do a big awards event a short drive from home rather than trekking to the Grosvenor House or somewhere else in the West End, and then rushing for the last tube up the Met Line."

What were your favourite moments/memories from last year’s awards ceremony?

"You have to remember I’m sitting in the dark at the side of the stage (prompt-side, to be technical) and I can’t see very much at all, so there could have been plenty going on that I didn’t know about!

"So most of my memories are audio ones, and my main one from last year was Nathan Cooper introducing me by suggesting I was wearing a mankini. I have no idea where he got that from, but it’s an image that’s hard to shake. Maybe I ought to say here that I wasn’t!"

What can guests at the ceremony expect from the Voiceologist?

"Lots of telling them when to sit down and be quiet…

"But also I hope my bits while the winners are doing what we call the ‘Grab-and-Grin’ are fun to listen to, as well as putting across the important info about why this winner has won.

"Also, because I’m doing it ‘live’ I can react to things that happen - extra loud cheers or departures from the script - and a live show is more interesting for everybody, because anything can happen. 

"An event producer once described my style as ‘authoritative but friendly’, which is exactly what I aim for, so it seems to work!"

What impressed you most about the winners we saw at last year’s Buckinghamshire Business Awards?

"I love the way everybody’s so delighted to win! Even from my position with only a side view of the stage between the curtains, it’s obvious that the awards mean a great deal to the winners. Improving everybody’s experience, even if they don’t realise I’m doing it, is why I do what I do. If they go home happy, so do I."

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