Post your vacancies on WANNABE

Promote your apprenticeship, work experience and full/part time job vacancies for free on

WANNABE is a platform that promotes workplace opportunities to young people, connecting them to local businesses with vacancies.

If you have vacancies to promote

If you are a business with apprenticeship, work experience or full or part time job vacancies, fill in this quick sign-up form to get started. You’ll soon have your vacancies listed for free on a site visited by young people and parents.

Email with any questions on the sign-up process, or with posting a vacancy.

If you know someone searching for vacancies

If you know of a young person who is looking for an apprenticeship, work experience placement, or full or part time job, send them to to see the latest opportunities.

Follow on social media

You can also keep up with the latest vacancies and news that concerns young people in the workplace on social media. Follow WANNABE on Twitter here, and check out the Facebook page here.

WANNABE is run by the Buckinghamshire Skills Hub, based at the Buckinghamshire Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership.

Business community ambassadors